Andrew Dickens Afternoons

A lonely otter at a sanctuary finds love online through a dating site built just for him



A seal sanctuary in England made a dating profile for a lonely otter who lost his mate -- and now he's found love again.Harris, a 10-year-old Asian short-clawed otter at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary in Cornwall, England, lost his partner Apricot after she died at age 16, according to a press release from the sanctuary.He was alone for the first time in four years and had appeared to go back to his bachelor ways.The team created Harris an online dating profile for a fake dating site they dubbed "Fishing for Love," in hopes of finding another otter in need of love and affection."I am very attentive, I love a cuddle, and I am a very good listener," the profile said. "I will love you like no otter."Harris came to the sanctuary in 2016 after being rejected from his family at the Welsh Mountain Zoo.Tamara Cooper, curator at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary, said there was something about Harris that checked all the boxes for Apricot."He was a doting partner to Apricot, so when she passed away a few weeks back he was absolu