Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: We're not acting like there's a pandemic on



So Auckland waits to go to Level 1 and a return to the semblance of normality we had for 102 days earlier this year. But are we all ready. A number of scientists and health officials spoke over the weekend saying that they hoped we executed Level 1 better this time than we did last time. Because last time we were hopeless The evidence of this was the size of the Auckland cluster that has left our biggest city in limbo until today. While the virus managed to sneak through in a way that is still not known, the real concern is how it then spread through the community.  Once lockdown 2.0 began the flouting of gathering rules in churches kept the virus fires burning.The Auckland cluster in Lockdown 2.0 was the single biggest outbreak this country has had in the pandemic. And that’s why the doors were shut and why they are only just being opened. So the question is, are we better at Level 1 than we were?No, we are not.  My supermarket is strict and has a door person so mask wearing and app utilisation is strong. Ho