Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Un-democratic polls, and the real crisis facing humanity



COMMENT:I’ve never been a fan of polls.I find them to be very unhelpful for democracy. Actually they’re worse than that.  Tthey deeply undermine democracy.They reduce the competition of ideas and beliefs and principles to a ranking game without analysis or cogent thought.They are lazy journalism which is why they are supported by media outlets.  It’s easier to write about someone’s popularity and how it has plunged or rocketed than it is to investigate the policies that person represents.They have no context and so they mislead.Parties enjoying  a high poll number can see their supporters become complacent. Their opponents can be convinced to give up because what’s the point? Parties riding high can attract votes simply because of a human desire to be on the side of the winners.So as everyone always says.  There’s only 1 poll that matters so let’s just have that one.  Give the world some mystery.  Let’s find out on the night of September the 19th.Meanwhile, last Sunday I had brunch with a respected QC. The co