Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Our great response to Covid-19 still deserves critiquing



Is anyone really surprised that Paula Bennett has zipped it sweetie and ridden into the sunset?After all, the horse she tied her cart to is languishing at the bottom of the party list.  The tone of the party she helped create has changed. Muller is a moderate centrist conservative who probably hates her leopard-skin coats. The National Party is no longer an easy fit for an animal like Paula. It’s only humane to let her go free to roam her savannahs looking for fresh meat. But it leaves the National Party weakened.  She was the campaign manager and the campaign has only days to go.  And I worry that National is losing too many of what I call the velociraptors.  The heavy hitters who like the thrill of competition in politics and do not just want a job as an administrator of this country.It’s the Amy, Nikki, Todd and Paul show now and frankly, that’s pretty bland. Meanwhile, over the weekend I saw an opinion piece from Gordon Campbell, the left-leaning former Listener writer.He was questioning why the media was