Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: We will need a Covid-19 inquiry into what civil service got wrong



So this is awkward.I go a flu jab this morning. And what makes it even more awkward is that I never even asked for it.This doesn't bode well for the narrative that the government has lost 700,000 vaccinationsSo last week I got a text from my medical centre telling me that I was eligible for a funded jab and would I like to come in on Monday morning.  I phoned the centre and said yes and then asked why I was getting a funded flu jab.  Have I suddenly become old or elderly of frail?  Is it some sort of mistake.  The receptionist had no idea.  I took up the offer after all, just like Damian Grant taking up a wage subsidy he didn't need.You don't look a gift vax in the mouth.So I turned up this morning and found out that the reason I got offered the vax was that I had cancer and surgery last year. The practice had looked through it's records and determined the perceived vulnerable, made their order quite early in the piece and then the jabs came through.Their first tranche was a bit slow but since then everything