Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: McDonalds fans need to get their priorities straight



I know I’m about to be judgemental. I know that some people will say you shouldn’t impose your beliefs and values on other people who are doing nothing wrong.But - I think the people who thought it was a valuable exercise to queue at 4 in the morning at a Merivale McDonalds would be well advised to go home, look in the mirror, and reappraise their life goals and aspirations.I know you’re a burger aficionado, I know it’s been a long five weeks, but seriously? Stressing your body and it’s immune system to wake outside your temporal zone to ingest a tasty snack of debatable nutritional quality just seems to be nuts to me.Speaking of judgemental, I am over the pile on to Deborah Russell. Not because I approve of her inappropriate question asked at an inappropriate time but because it’s an insignificant scuffle as part of personality politics and not at all helpful to getting back on track.To make the claim that her question in a committee, that was promptly shot down by the man in charge of our finances, is indic