Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Bruce Russell: Christmas and Christians are under attack in NZ



Christmas is just around the corner, we hear that phrase every year at this time, and it is.But is it Christmas or is it happy holidays? Does the word Christmas have to be denigrated, abolished, replaced by other words because Christmas contains the word, Christ? These days, in what governments have decreed is a secular society, it's no longer appropriate. Helen Clark spent most of her prime ministership drumming that message in.Religion has no place in the business of the state, except to most of us who grew up with Christmas as the most magical exciting time of the year and something to look forward to all year as we ploughed our way through the three terms of school.Many resent the interference of the state in our celebration of Christmas, and the interference of the social engineers who would have us celebrate happy holidays, send greetings cards, enjoy the festive season, have a piece of festive cake, and go to the local Santa parade, not Christmas parade.It's parade season, and in most towns now it's th