Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Government stuck in an immigration swamp



So the slow-motion dance between teachers and the Government continued over the weekend with the announcement of 600 extra learning support co-ordinators by 2020.These staff will work alongside teachers and parents to provide individualised support and "free up teachers so all children get more quality classroom time". They will be helping the teachers deal with the kids who need a little more either because of disabilities or learning issues.The 600 staff will mean one or two more for each school and maybe even more for the larger schools.It was announced at the Labour conference and I suppose it has been scheduled as the conference’s lolly scramble for a while. It also adds to the Government’s offer to teachers.It all adds to the feeling that I have that Chris Hipkins is telling the truth. That he has put as much as he can on the table, but as time goes on he will try to make the job easier and better.Rather than fighting to get all the world in one fell swoop I would urge the teachers to take what has been