Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Did we just win or lose on fuel tax?



With the Prime Minister putting a stake in the ground and swearing there’ll be no more regional fuel taxes as long as she’s in charge, I’ve been wondering who exactly the winners and losers are out of this.Obviously, the Opposition will be strutting around claiming victory. It was their incessant hectoring on the issue in the House that finally prompted the PM to say enough. Anything to make them shut up with their constant whingeing.Mr Bridges will be breathing a sigh of relief because finally something went right and he can chalk up a victory.But is this a victory for the nation? A victory for common sense and logic? On that, I’m not so sure.Firstly the rumor that further regional fuel taxes were to come is hard to substantiate. A bit like Jami Lee Ross’ claims to be fair. There is no smoking gun. The legislation specifically prevents them before 2021. It is true that 14 councils indicated that they’d quite like them at this year’s Local Government conference and, yes, the government heard them out but that