Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Tourism is not an industry for losers



Tourism is on fire; therefore, you’d think it was a good job prospect.Well, apparently that's not the case which is why moves are afoot to attract more young people into tourism jobs.Tourism is the country's biggest export earner, bringing in over $14 billion a year, but that could be under threat. Because with all the investment and hotels on the go, there's not enough young people into it.36,000 extra tourism workers are needed by 2025. But the Tourism Industry has done some research and found that young people perceived tourism as "low-wage" and a subject for "drop outs".This is another example of young people being stupid and parents being guilty of not exploring opportunities.In the 90s, I lived in the South of France working on an English language radio station. Yes, it was as good as it sounds. One day in a bar in Cannes I met an apprentice hotel manager. He had been studying in London for three years and was now working as an intern. He was front of house at the Carlton, which was like the place on th