Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Time for Government to invest in police



In the last year's election, all parties signalled that the police were in line for significantly more numbers. New Zealand First had police numbers as a central plank of its election promises. Meanwhile, Labour stated that its aim was for 1800 more cops on the beat.But there are now allegations that the number will be significantly reduced. Simon Bridges told Newshub last night that he believes that the number will more like 1100 and that this represents another broken promise.That it may be, but it may also be that 1800 will be spread over the next 3 years. We’ll see.But whatever the case is, you have to say it can’t come soon enough. As we realise the impact of our growing population on houses and infrastructure we seem to be blind to the fact that more people demands more police.I think it’s fair to say that the numbers have been too low for too long and with the rise of methamphetamine and violence it spawns, the police are crying out for reinforcement because they’re getting hammeredIn the last three an