Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Politicians have no clue about housing crisis



Why is it that when it comes to our so-called housing crisis, no politicians seem to get it?It’s not hard to grasp.  For half a century we have consistently failed to build enough houses for our growing population and so the basic rule of supply and demand comes in.  Desperate purchasers fight amongst themselves for too few houses and then pay above the odds or give up and sulk.It’s like two hermit crabs fighting to the death for one shell.Meanwhile, people with a bit of spare cash stick it into investment housing instead of a bank or equity in a business. And because interest rates have been so low for so long it’s a money tree of capital growth.The factors are simple to see.  Natural population growth.  High immigration.  Low levels of construction.  Poor forward planning.At the heart of it all is one simple fact.  This country doesn’t have enough houses.You know this. I know this. So why don’t they know it.I say this because the latest grand idea to get first home buyers into an affordable house ignores th