My Utmost For His Highest ??? ?? ???

1월 9일 초월적인 하나님의 보호engkor(주님은 나의 최고봉)



메일로 요청하시면-전문을 보내드리겠습니다. 온누리제자커뮤니티 이영대 And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body / be preserved blameless. 살전 5:23, 1Thess 5:23 Your whole spirit ..." / The great mystical work of the Holy Spirit / is in the dim regions of our personality / which we cannot get at. / Read the 139th Psalm; the Psalmist implies - / "Thou art the God of the early mornings, / the God of the late at night, / the God of the mountain peaks, / and the God of the sea; / but, my God, / my soul has further horizons than the early mornings, / deeper darkness than the nights of earth, / higher peaks than any mountain peaks, / greater depths than any sea in nature - / Thou Who art the God of all these, be my God. / I cannot reach to the heights / or to the depths; / there are motives I cannot trace, / dreams I cannot get at / - my God, search me out. / Do we believe that God can garrison the imagination far beyond where we can go? / "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin"/ -if that means i