Rock Chalk Talk: For Kansas Jayhawks Fans

S07E79 - Football Instead Of Fitball



We complete our opponent previews with another one of new additions to the Big 12: The Cincinnati Bearcats. We look at everything that has changed, how the new coaching staff is fitting in, and if the roster is ready for the transition to the Big 12. Then we look at the schedule and figure out how competitive the team will be in Year 1. Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyMitts12 Follow Viva La Cats on Twitter: @VivaLaCatsPod Follow Blue Wings Rising on Twitter: @bluewingsrise We want your input on the podcast. If you have something you would like to talk about on the podcast, or any suggestions for people that we should try to talk to, let us know by emailing us at or on twitter @RockChalkPod. The Rock Chalk Podcast is brought to you by our friends at Charlie Hustle Clothing Co. Charlie Hustle is a vintage-inspired clothing company based out of Kansas City that specializes in Collegiate and Hometown apparel. Charlie Hustle wants you to be the best dressed fan this season, so be sure to