Wisdom For Working Mums

How Do You Manage It All? Empowered Work-Life Integration As A Working Mum



In this episode, I'm diving into a common question that working mothers face: "How do you manage it all?" The juggling act of balancing work, family, and your personal life. It’s a tricky question to explore because it can be a loaded question. It’s not a question that men get asked. It’s certainly not a question that working fathers get asked. Probably because traditionally, the answer for most men on how they ‘manage it all’ would be because they had a wife at home doing everything. Their wife would be holding the emotional and mental load of the family and home for them. But I think it’s an important question for us to ask our fellow working mums because with more mothers working than ever - how we balance our work and home responsibilities is a sticking point for so many of us. Asking the question makes the invisible visible. Seeing how we each navigate the invisible load - either normalising that it’s not easy or learning from each other. I’m approaching this question from the perspective that