Patio Lanterns

Breaking Down Barriers (w/ Nicole Di Spirito)



THE 7-ELEVEN OF PODCASTS - PEAKING 24HRS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK [0 mins]: Daylight Savings Time came and went with minimal casualties thanks to some smart planning by RDAWG and the Caveman. Randy still doesn't like Twitter. IKEA - go for the furniture, stay for the cinnamon buns? Gynecologists for men - why isn't this a thing? Boiled pork is killing dogs, let's stop this before it's too late. [39 mins]: We are ecstatic to have our first female guest as Ryan's friend Nicole joins us on the patio. Although, Kurt is wary of this stranger and puts together a friendship quiz. What are hot guy names? How can we market to the female demographic? We ask Nicole. Instagram: @plpodcast