Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Teachers are the heroes of lockdown



I’m feeling for the teachers this lockdown. For everyone to be honest, not just the teachers, and also while we’re at it, those of us parents having to juggle work and home schooling while also keeping households calm, well stocked, as well as walking the dog. What a time.  Feeling slightly jealous of the people able to just sit back and watch Netflix this lockdown! But the teachers have been thrown back into something most of them don’t enjoy – and that’s having to drum up all their lessons into online learning. So much of what happens in the classroom these days is practical, hands on and experiential. That’s tough when kids are sitting at home in their PJs with a laptop on their knees trying to decipher worksheets. Made tougher if they have parents who, like me, aren’t the most helpful on the old maths front.  I mean to be fair to us, it’s a long time since we did maths right? How are we supposed to remember how to multiply fractions? Actually, I can multiply fractions, it’s the algebra that throws me. We