Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Don't plan an overseas holiday this year



So yesterday we got a bit of blah blah basic arm waving around a potential roadmap out of Covid, but no hard and fast plan, no detail, no specifics.And that’s what business needs desperately, some surety, some certainty, some specifics.But details are not this Government’s forte, and they won't want to set a vaccination target they can't reach and then get politically punished for.So is the business sector in for a giant disappointment today?I mean, if yesterday is anything to go by, probably.It looks like we’ll keep the elimination strategy, which as David Seymour has said may well turn out to be the thing that started as our biggest strength and ends up our biggest weakness.I mean is it totally naïve and idealistic to think we can pull that off long term? Or are we just prolonging the inevitable? Do we really believe we could be one of the few countries in the world to keep Delta out, and stay virus free during a global pandemic?Or is that arrogant?I mean sure, we have some advantages, our whopping great mo