Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Working at the office is better than working at home



As the UK asks people working from home to get back to the office, a new survey out here shows that office workers are actually “more satisfied in their jobs than non-office workers”.'Skills Consulting Group's Work Wellbeing survey', it's been reported, looked at '1600 staff and human resources managers' and in terms of dissatisfaction in the workplace it had 'health workers, teachers and tradies at the top of the list'.It’s the office workers who have a higher wellbeing score. It’s assumed this is because they feel a stronger connection directly to their workplace, they have regular supports in place, they’re anchored somewhere. So that chit chat round the coffee machine and regular touching base with colleagues in meetings, is actually good for you apparently. It’s connection.It’s also one of the main reasons the UK is encouraging people back to the office. A lot of the connectivity in workplaces has been lost during Covid. Zoom just doesn’t cut it. The British Finance Minister says strong relationships are