Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Cycle bridge in Auckland ain't happening



I extend thoughts and prayers for cyclists this morning.It looks like their precious bridge crossing may be confined to the scrap heap.As is was predicted moments after it was announced, and got an almost unanimous negative response – gosh even some cyclists thought it was a dumb idea, it’s likely now it’ll never happen.Grant Robertson yesterday wouldn't confirm or deny the cycle bridge, only to say that they ‘continually look at the transport network to see it works well’.That’s politician speak for – it’s toast.So what does this tell us?Well like I said yesterday, it tells us very clearly this Government hates bad press. It tells us a 10 point drop in the polls really sharpens the mind, and it tells us they’ll move like a wind sock under the gales of public pressure.Seasonal workers are in, the cycle bridge is out.What can we expect next? And more importantly, is this a precursor to what we can expect as we head into the next election?Are flip flops, false promises and knee jerk reactions good for us?Well n