Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Olympians dropping out of the Games due to mental health, brave or a cop out?



We're seeing a lot of raw emotion and huge pressure unfolding at the Olympics aren’t we?Which isn’t necessarily new, elite sport at that top level is hugely competitive and nothing but pressure.You're carrying the weight of the world, or at the very least your whole country, on your shoulders. There are tears, collapses, enormous highs, catastrophic lows. That’s elite sport, and most athletes at that level know that.But I just wonder whether this Olympics will be remembered for something else.For mental health issues coming to the fore and taking precedence over performance, and I can’t work out if this is a good or a bad thing.On the one hand, I appreciate how huge the toll is and admire athletes who have the guts to say, you know what? Not this time, can’t do it, my head’s not in it.I mean that can’t be easy and it takes guts. It also helps identify and draw into the mainstream that mental health as a very real issue, at even the highest levels of success.But I’m torn because on the other hand, you worked r