Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Jon Duffy: Commerce Commission supermarket competition inquiry - Draft findings released today



New Zealand will get the clearest look at the inner workings of the supermarket giants on Thursday when the Commerce Commission releases its draft report into the level of competition across a $22 billion sector.Shortly after the election, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark announced the competition watchdog would undertake a market study into supermarkets to determine "whether the sector is as competitive as it could be".The market study is the second of its type under new powers to compel companies to provide detailed financial information, following an examination into petrol companies ordered by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in 2018.For months, the Wellington-based competition watchdog has been receiving evidence and interviewing witnesses, sometimes under oath.The study will be released at 8:30am, followed by a press conference. You can watch it live here.Like many industries in New Zealand, it is a sector dominated by two companies. Foodstuffs, which counts New World, Pak n Save and Four