Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Tim Dower: If you get stuck in Australia, you're on your own



Listen up, this is important, a stern message from the Prime Minister.This is directed at people travelling here from Australia, who think it's OK to ignore the requirement about a pre-departure test.Jacinda Ardern is not amused.If we catch you in future she says you run the risk, mark that, run the risk of two weeks in managed isolation.And you know what, we might even make you pay for it.You've been warned.I'll bet that sends a deep shudder of fear through anyone contemplating bucking the system.You'll have heard by now that about 50 people have been caught doing this, and Chris Hipkins is working on ways to strengthen the system.How someone even gets on a plane without the right paperwork is beyond me.I hope any Australians who get caught are put on the first plane back, deported, they obviously don't meet the good character test.But hang on a moment; didn't we get a stern warning from the Prime Minister only a few months ago when the travel bubble opened?Weren't we were warned it was fly at your own risk?