Real Trends: Real Trending

Nick Bailey and Dan Duffy go head to head on brokerage tech



In today's RealTrending, RE/MAX CEO & President Nick Bailey and United Real Estate Holdings CEO Dan Duffy offer a peek into their decisions to buy, build or partner for their brokerage technology platform. For Bailey, making the decision to let go of in-house tech to go outside made sense for the firm. Duffy, on the other hand, says that their firm is better for building a tech platform. Regardless, both do partner on some components.Listen in as the two have a friendly point, counterpoint discussion on why they feel their strategic decisions help them run a more profitable brokerage. There are always multiple ways to go about running a brokerage firm, what's best for one might not be in the DNA of another.  Related to this episode: Connect with Nick on LinkedIn RE/MAX Connect with Dan on LinkedIn United Real Estate HousingWire’s YouTube Channel Enjoy the episode! The RealTrending podcast features the brightest minds in real estate. Every week, brokerage leaders, top agents, team leaders, and industry e