Real Trends: Real Trending

Brokerage leaders, here’s where to focus to grab market share and thrive



Today’s RealTrending podcast features Scott Wright, partner with RTC Consulting and co-author of the RealTrends Brokerage Benchmark 10-year Report, which specializes in real estate brokerage valuations, mergers and acquisitions and consulting. Wright reveals some new benchmarking data that can help brokers manage operating expenses in today’s market. Plus, he reveals the three business activities that will make the biggest difference for success in the coming year. Hint: Brokers should be looking for local opportunities and walkovers. Plus, he discusses how real estate brokerage deal terms and valuations are changing.This episode is sponsored by Keeping Current Matters. Keeping Current Matters makes it easy to be the market expert so you can spend more time on what matters most: your clients. Check them out here.RealTrending features the brightest minds in real estate. Twice a month, brokerage leaders, top agents, team leaders, and industry experts share their success secrets, trends, and lessons learned navi