Real Trends: Real Trending

What’s really happening in today’s real estate market?



Today’s RealTrending podcast features Dave Childers, president of Keeping Current Matters. Childers talks to RealTrends’ Editorial Director Tracey Velt about today’s housing market. The biggest question on many minds is what will happen with home prices over the next year? Will they lose value, are we about to see a crash in the real estate market? The bottom line is that the majority of experts are forecasting homes to appreciate in 2023, just at a much slower pace. The issue is some have called for depreciation, and they are getting the most attention.Childers talks about what’s really happening in the market and how real estate professionals and leaders can use today’s market as a springboard to success. This episode is sponsored by Keeping Current Matters. Keeping Current Matters makes it easy to be the market expert so you can spend more time on what matters most: your clients. Check them out here.RealTrending features the brightest minds in real estate. Twice a month, brokerage leaders, top agents, team