Real Trends: Real Trending

Flat-fee, fast-growing firm leader on lessons learned from Great Recession



Today’s RealTrending features Long Doan, CEO of Realty Group LLC in Minneapolis. Doan was named a 2022 RealTrends GameChanger for achieving 292% growth by transaction side percentage over the past five years. Coming to the U.S. as a 13-year-old refugee during the Vietnam War, Doan had an aha moment. "The first night I was at the refugee camp, it hit me. I found a spot on the beach and I remember crying all night. I was a 13 year old boy, alone. I thought to myself, 'Wait a minute. Am I lucky, or am I unlucky?' The sun was coming up, and I remember telling myself that, 'Just put your big boy pants on and go to work,' because I decided that I was a victor, not a victim. I actually was lucky, not unlucky. And your mind is powerful. When you decide something, you are right."