Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 154: Heather McCullough, Co-Founder of Society 54



  In this episode of the Charlotte Angel Connection, we talk with Heather McCullough of Society 54. During today’s podcast you’ll learn how Heather took a job and turned it into a business by paying attention to what she liked about her work. Heather’s marketing expertise and her drive to help lawyers keep their attention on billable hours built the successful platform now employing 11 remote workers spread across the U.S. Highlights from the episode include: Carving out company with passion Finding leaks in the buckets and using your knowledge to offer value Transitioning from employee to business owner Why gamifying fires up the competitive juices Adding technology to aid a coaching business Coaching vs technology for scaling a business Knowing when to expand Life in the day of an all-female team Challenges and benefits of remote working Funding challenges and benefits of being a female founder How entrepreneurship affects the family How travelling across the US in a camper van is