Danish And O'neill

Episode 354: From Strip Bars to Arm Bars



We open up the show talking about Ben Affleck's 10 year old son having a little car trouble. After that, we talk about ultra-quick private jet flights and the super cool celebs who are taking them. Everyone's doing it, man! We also discuss something Arnie Schwarzanegger allegedly did to a fellow actooooor on a film set. And, we introduce you all to new UFC star, Vanessa Demopoulos. Hear about what job she did for a long time and recently gave up to become a full time fighter. Danish talks about some in-flight hijinks he saw going down on his recent trip. We share a clip we were sent of Brian Holtzman traveling abroad and talk about a friend of the show who's currently in pretty rough shape. There's some cult docuseries talk We check-in with Aaron and pitch him on joining the Ding Dong Show at the Comedy Store. We also talk about Kim Kardashian's hypothetical stay young forever plan. Freeze Pipe makes everything from pipes to dab rigs, so checkout their entire lineup at thefreezepipe.com and use code DANDO for