Danish And O'neill

Episode 344: Zamboners



Danish starts 'er out by making a big announcement about someone involved with the show. After that, we inquire about an injury we noticed that Aaron had. O'Neill reports a clown battle, and Danish tells a story about seeing an up and coming unicyclist practicing his moves. Danish asks O'Neill if he heard about a group of Christians singing religious songs on a plane, and this type of behavior is discussed. We grill Aaron about his softball bat and if he doctors it and find out a strange thing the city of Burbank is doing with taxpayer money. We then discuss a story of a woman and man getting into an altercation, and the man ended up getting kissed and having part of his tongue bit off. After that, it's a tale of a cock fight gone wrong! We also talk about a car thief who went back to where he stole the car to scold a parent for leaving their kid in the car when he stole it. O'Neill shares a story about a longtime zamboni driver who recently lost his job. Danish wraps it up by telling a story about a celebrit