Danish And O'neill

Episode 330: Dillon the Naughty Pickle



Oh hello there. This episode, we come to you from the beautiful All Things Comedy Studio. If you so choose, you can watch the video of this episode on youtube. Or, you can listen to it. Audio, video, both, pick your poison! It's your party - you can cry if you want to. We open up by talking a little about Bob Saget's untimely passing. Danish tells a story about how a random person brought this subject up to him at a grocery store. After that, some SAINT pulled off a great prank in their local newspaper. Just classic newspaper tom foolery! From there, we move on to some Bol Bol news! About time, right?!? He has some alleged personal issues. Then, it's off to Indianapolis, where a gorgeous house with a VERY special feature is on the market. Who knows, maybe YOU will hear about this and buy it. If so, we'd like to come hang out. Tired of not getting any pickle news? Well, we got your back because this week we've got breaking pickle news, as it pertains to a wood bat baseball league and a risque mascot. We bring