Danish And O'neill

Episode 328: Two for Flinching



Yello there. And we're back from our Christmas/New Year's break. Happy new year to you and yours. We hope this is a horser of a year for us all and the world at large. O'Neill starts the show talking about why we are recording via Zoom and talks about his recent trip to the great state of Tennessee. Did Paula Deen's restaurant live up to the hype? Listen and find out what the random woman he met thought about Paula Deenie's weenie's (hot dogs!). Danish talks about some interesting fashion he saw on a recent trip. This leads us down a path talking about authentic cowboys vs. people who just dress like cowboys because they're trying to be cool or get the rub off the real 'boys and 'girls out there. O'Neill details the sweet offer John Little recently gave him, and Danish talks about why John used to be called "the candy cane assassin". A recent DISTURBING video featuring Ari Shaffir and two dogs is discussed. If you seek out this video, viewer discretion is advised and keep in mind, NSFW or really anywhere. Aft