Danish And O'neill

Episode 320: Bear Urine, Dude



O'Neill leads it off talking about Halloween costumes that have been deemed inappropriate and off-limits. Danish mentions a recent video he saw online with some gorillas having a little too much fun at the zoo in front of onlookers. Then, the HBO documentary series, "The Way Down" is discussed. The leader of the religious group's hairdo is broken down and analyzed (it's that good!). After that bit of tom foolery, we move on and discuss how one Shaman started a huge fire. Was bear urine involved? You betcha! Also, the most frivolous lawsuit is discussed. Hear how one woman is trying to get some money out of Geico. Speaking of the bizarre, wasting people's time, and hairdos, we talk about a Mexican rapper/reggaeton artist, who decided to really spice things up in the hair department. And we're talking REALLY spice things up. We close it with some VR adult film talk and other miscellaneous topics. And that'll do it.