Danish And O'neill

Episode 308: Beach Cops Invasion (w/ Andrew DeWitt)



www.beachcopspodcast.com https://www.patreon.com/beachcops On this very special edition of the podcast, it's a Beach Cops infused episode of D+O. That's right; we're joined by none other than the third member of the Beach Cops podcast, Andrew DeWitt! We discuss all sorts of important issues and topics. For instance, we introduce the listeners to a Beach Cops topic: people getting stuck in donation bins. We really examine this problem and offer up ideas on how to prevent it. We also discuss snakes slithering through plumbing and ending up in your toilet. Speaking of toilets, Andrew tells us about his record-setting bathroom experience, and we accuse him of shenanigans. We even get into jazz musicians, and O'Neill makes up a cool new instrument, the trumpis. Also, we have some ideas on how to play awesome practical jokes on the TSA and an innovative idea that could just change the way people fly. Just like Beach Cops, this one gets wild and crazy but in the best of ways.