Danish And O'neill

Episode 298: Russian Chimps



For the first time in forever (to quote the classic movie Frozen), we're back recording in the same geographic location again! Rejoice!!! We open up with a sad announcement made by one of the greats in the comedy business. Danish shares some advice he heard experts are trying to spread in India. O'Neill asks if there's an uptick in people reading while walking. He also shares a run-in he had while hiking. We got a tiger on the loose in the Houston area! It's still at large (and most likely livin' large). Danish talks about a video that someone sent on Twitter, which was of a monkey answering a door in Russia and paying for pizza. "In Russia"....! Danish shares a new fighter that he enjoys: Jiri Prochazka. He is a sight to behold! That gets us into a conversation about Diego Sanchez, and his new trainer, who uses some unconventional training techniques to say the least. We head to Australia, where someone complains about their neighbor making too much noise while making love. We talk about Brian Holtzman for a