Danish And O'neill

Episode 293: Triphallia



The show opens with O'Neill talking about a giant lizard running amok in a 7-11 in Thailand. Danish chimes in with a gruesome story involving a recent MMA fight. O'Neill then brings up a recent road rage incident that took place in Los Angeles. Then, it's a soap opera style wedding! It took place in China and has more twists and turns than an old country road (and buffet, hiyo!). Fake doctor news!!!!! This time, a fake doctor was practicing in Jacksonville, Florida and drinking Four Loko on the job (not a joke). After that, we move on to a racy teacher in Wales, who just couldn't bite his tongue about anything, and shockingly, it came back to bite him. This leads us into talking about some of our own teachers and where they may have gone wrong as well. We also talk about the pressing issue that is the photo SCANDAL involving Khloe Kardashian. Justice for Khoe!!!!! After that, there's a Big Earl update. He's living the dream! Speaking of living the dream, a new world record holder was recently born! Look up wh