Danish And O'neill

Episode 285: The Hunting and the Gathering



Episode 285'er!  Danish starts off talking about a little excursion he took with the fam.  Then, it's on to modern hunter and gatherers living in Washington state!  That leads us down many avenues of modern hunting and gathering.  After that, we discuss the mysterious case of a Slovakian hero, who did something outlandish to help the police detain a thief.  The show keeps moving and flowing, and Danish brings up The Confession Killer, a doc on Netflix.  We then perfectly segue into a story in Australia, where a man was so preturbed with a "malfunctioning" product he bought at an adult store that he decided to take matters into his own hands (by going down there...to the store...this could be misconstrued in a bunch of different ways).  That leads us into talking about "bogans" and track suits.  Then, we talk about a garbageman who was fired in the UK for kung fu kicking a kid's snowman.  Danish talks about a woman who got into it with LeBron James at an Atlanta Haw