Danish And O'neill

Episode 258: You Want This A?



Jiminy Christmas, we're back at it once again. O'Neill starts us out by talking about a documentary called Tread that he recently watched. Danish talks about seeing a John Little doppelganger at the grocery store and calling Mr. Anti-Seatbelt himself to discuss it. O'Neill takes a victory lap for his hometown making msnbc's top 10 historic American cities list (more on Valparaiso later in the show!). Danish briefly talks about the Last Dance (Michael Jordan doc...and yes, he knows he's behind on this, just give the guy a break already!). Schaubery alert? Danish shares a story about the NBA player Lou Williams to see if Schaubery is in fact being commited. O'Neill can't take stupid internet sensations anymore and talks about a swimmer getting the limelight for an "accomplishment". Sick of not hearing about Marty Janetty on podcasts (he's a former wrestler if you're not familiar). Well, fear not, he's in the news and needs to be discussed, and discussed he shall be! O'Neill gives a quick review on Michael Phelp