Danish And O'neill

Episode 253: The O Man of the Valley



Rejoice! Another episode is upon us. This one starts out hot 'n heavy with a dude who calls himself "the O man of the valley". He may be the best thing to happen to the valley since the All Valley Tournament. After we discuss him, we briefly talk about Ghislaine Maxwell being arrested. Danish tells O'Neill about a bigfoot show he saw a brief snippet of. After a long time without one, we finally get sent a story about a pervo teacher. Danish expresses his dismay about what people are doing in his area to celebrate graduations. We also discuss the current state and future of stand up comedy and wonder who would risk seeing Vanilla Ice at a time like this. We wrap it up by talking about a clip we were sent that really took us back: it's of the GREAT Jim Painter doing a stand up set in Arizona. And, that's all, folks!