Danish And O'neill

Episode 215: Dassman Pens a Letter



Heeeey there, we start this episod off with some news 'n notes from around town. Danish shares some travel stories from when he was out of town. O'Neill sheds some light of "interesting" practices in foreign locales. Then, he talks about what it's like to hang out with Ari Shaffir. Then, it's on to some Dassman BREAKING news. After that, the letter he wrote to the new Governor of Wisconsin is read and analyzed. Then, another crime is discussed: a man on a college campus who is sniffing unsuspecting students' feet in the library. We then ponder if Antonio Brown planned/staged his fart hijinks at the doctor's office. A new dating term is discussed. Animal time! A couple both have a run-in with bisons. Then, it's some pre-post show post show talk. Mmm mmmm good.