Danish And O'neill

Episode 197: Level Four Hardness



We come out of the gates with a vengeance on this episode, ya horsers. We start off with some light MMA talk but quickly transition into some quick Guy Fieri discussion. Danish describes a touching martial arts clip he stumbled across online. O'Neill gets into something that made him angry. Danish gives some news and notes from around his neighborhood. After that, we talk about something we never knew existed: raccoon dogs. Apparently, two of them caused some chaos recently in the UK. After that, a moped accident from hell is dissected. Careful on those mopeds, everyone! How do you follow that? With the tale of a corrupt Principal getting a little crazy on a school trip to DC. Oh, and bonus: a service animal is involved! Then, there's an update you can't miss! It's about the woman who married the ghost of a pirate! This one's a real humdinger. Speaking of service animals (from before), Delta is getting sued over an attack. After that, it's a little of this, a little of that, a little what have