Danish And O'neill

Episod 194: Jive Turkeys



Happy Mother's Day to you and yours. On this doozy of an episode, we cover a lot of ground. O'Neill starts the show off by talking about an unreal family feud he watched online. Danish gives a sad update that will affect the Dassman.Then, Danish describes his family outing to the zoo and a bird show he had the pleasure of witnessing there. After that, a story about a turkey infuriates O'Neill. Fans of the air raid siren will like this one. (Just imagine the air raid siren playing) O'Neill tells a story about how he may now be on Bill Burr's radar...or security camera. Finally, it's that time again! The Y report is back, BABY! To close the show, it's a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. Listen to this one with your mom. She'll love it. If your mom is unavailable, find someone else's mom and listen to it with her.