Danish And O'neill

Episode 175: Milk-shake-down



Happy New Year! 2019 is DEFINITELY the year of Danish and O'Neill. Nostradamus predicted it!!!! The episode starts off with some light Evil Genius (Neftlix doc) talk and a little brief MMA talk. We hear from the Dass-man and then discuss a young Canadian boy who called the cops cause he didn't like his Christmas present. Next, there's a much needed update from a CRAZY story that took place in Canada as well. You crazy Canadians! After that, it's our first ever Sesame Street controversy!!!! Grover, you dirty devil! Not to be outdone, Chris Brown is in trouble, and we had to talk about it because it involved the illegal possession of a monkey. PETA closes out the year strong with a suggested on ban on certain animal-centric phrases. You go, PETA! As a tribute to 2018, we cover the craziest headlines out of Florida for the year. They're as good as you'd imagine, if not better. After that, we discuss a man who NEEDS to get on My 600 Pound Life. So, there ya have it. Yeeha. Yippy kay ay.