Danish And O'neill

Episode 160: Front Hole



Yeah, buddy. It's episode 160, and it's a real barn burner. On this episode, we open by discussing why the Comedy Store allows one particular individual to roam its hallowed hallways. There's some brief Connor McG and Khabib talk, and D+O predict who they think will win. If you miss true blue beach pony talk, it's back! The Wild Horse Fund announces how they plan on protecting the horses from Hurricane Florence. It's been a while since we've skewered the youth of America, and if you've missed that, it's your week. In an ongoing topic of debate, the youth of America are pushing to have oral presentations banned from school. Then, we discuss the trendy new term "front hole" that's taking the world by storm. Other topics include Aretha Franklin's death leading to violence, strange usages of toothpaste, and much much more.