Danish And O'neill

Episode 148: Flying Wieners



It's episode 148 of the Danish and O'Neill podcast. Rejoice! Holidaaaaay, celebraaate! On this episode, all sorts of strange and interesting topics get discussed. Danish talks about some things going on in his neighborhood lately, and O'Neill discusses a recent scare at his building. O'Neill gives an update on his fight with big Lou Gomez. Then, D+O move on to discuss an incident at a recent Major League baseball game (it involves a hotdog cannon). After that, there's talk about a steamy situation involving an Akron, Ohio fire station. Sound the sirens (not for anger, but in this case, romance). Then, it's back to where our bread is buttered: a story about a man and a dog. Oh boy...it's back. Strap in and enjoy, folks. And this is one you'll want to sit around the hearth and listen to with your whole family. Trust us on this one.