Danish And O'neill

Episode 141: Super Pooper



Hey all you Steven Seagal, Garrison Keillor, and Guy Fieri fans! On this week's episode, we delve into all sorts of fun current events. For example, we start off by discussing a serial pooper who caused a sting operation to be launched to end his reign of terror. After that, we find someone else being accused of wrongdoing. In this man's trial, there are two details that the jurors are SICK and TIRED of hearing about. What are they? Listen and find out, mmmmm'kay! But it's not just that. We stick with the theme of smoooooth criminals when we discuss a Judge who admits to having a serious problem. Then, it's off to Indiana where a raccoon nearly OD'ed on drugs! I know. It's sad, but hey, we had to report it. Sticking with the crime and punishment theme, it's the tale of a man who was HIGHLY intoxicated and attempting to make love to a car. After that, it's some post show talk. This episode is chock-full of life lessons, so listen carefully.