Danish And O'neill

Episode 131: Hamster-Damn



Happy President's Day, everybody! It's a BIG holiday, so we hope you're all acting accordingly and really living it up like the crazy mofos you all are. We start off by talking a little about the new Karate Kid youtube show trailer. We quickly move on to discuss A+E's latest hit, Undercover High. Is Scottie Maples on it? Probably. After that moving convo, we shift gears and read a listener email where someone has a "transformative sexual experience". It's yet another listener who is traveling the world like Carmen Sandiego. Wondered what happened to the limo driver turned "Rocket Man"? Well, we have an update for you. Then, we're off to the UK, where there's a MAJOR standoff taking place in a jail. We're bobbing and weaving on this episode, because after that, we cover a story about a BIG controversy that's rocking the world...Peter Rabbit (the kids movie). All downhill from there? HELL NO! It's time for a support animal story. This one is quite a doozy. Poor hamster. Adios amigos.