Danish And O'neill

Episode 129: Peacock Plane



Heeeeeeeey Macarena! It's another delectable episode of the Danish and O'Neill show. We start off talking about the man of the hour, the international ju jitsu practitioner-man of mystery, Chase Moore. He sends in an email filling in some of the blanks on his interesting lifestyle. O'Neill has a long awaited go-kart update. After that, we get into what you all want, the peacock story. Don't know what it is? Well, listen and find out! Jeez. We also get some words of wisdom from Pilot Mutombo! After that, we discuss a Reddit post and try to figure out if it's real or not. Either way, it's a doozy. Then, it's off to some college called Macalaster (KEVIN!) for a well needed Gary Keillor update. Tsk tsk, Gary, you dirty old man. We also say a quick RIP to P-23. Big fashion update: Guy Fieri is now a fashion icon. Good day.