Danish And O'neill

Episode 123: Why, Gary, Why???



Fear not, good people, episode 123 is upon us, and it brings everything you could want in a podcast. We start out with a spontaneous update of what's been going on lately with various homeless people in LA. We then quickly switch into second gear with some good ol' fashioned Dog the Bounty Hunter talk. What's Dog been up to, you ask? Well, listen and find out, ya dingus. Then, we discuss a police officer who showed up to a trial just to taunt someone who shot him three times with...yup, KY Jelly. Sal Zuno and Officer Sharketti, give that man a medal! After that, it's time for a report from the animal kingdom that involves a berserker of a brown bear on the loose in Siberia! Okay, okay, we've teased you long enough. Finally, we discuss the one, the only: Gary "the tf" Keillor. If you haven't been following the news, you won't believe your ears. We then set our sights on Connie Mac. He's been up to his old tricks as of late, and we're unamused. Finally, we wrap it up with a nice bow by discussing a