Danish And O'neill

Episode 119: Gay (lion) Pride



Yeeeeeeello, everybody, and welcome to episode 119. This week, we open talking about Bushman's list of demands to get back on the show. Then, we segue (like Kevin James in Mall Cop) on to the age old debate: are people tampering with Halloween candy? Danish presents O'Neill with a few different instances of the po-lice saying that candy had been tampered with, but O'Neill still remains a doubting Thomas. Danish makes an Earth shattering announcement about his long lost secretary/assistant Barb. After that, we discuss an article about an EDGY comedian finally being called out for pushing the envelope just a little too far. About damn time. We move on and discuss a daredevil who made a plea to his fans to pay his medical bills for a stunt gone wrong. Wondering where the Seagal talk is? Well, it's RIGHT at this point in the show. Once again, Seagal is caught up in the "creep sweep". After some much needed Seagal talk, we move on to an article that really tickles our funny bones: it's about gay lions i